BizMachine Blog

BizMachine E-commerce Insights: Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian e-commerce more different than it might seem at first glance

BizMachine E-commerce Insights: Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian e-commerce more different than it might seem at first glance

The Czech Republic is a leader in online trading, with a high number of e-shops per capita and emerging e-commerce market leaders. It differs significantly from neighboring Slovakia and Hungary. When compared, Czech e-shops focus much more on being closer to their customers and are more commonly found on comparison sites. BizMachine has created an infographic to show the differences in the three markets.

BizMachine collects and interprets the data companies reveal about themselves to help streamline B2B sales and marketing

BizMachine collects and interprets the data companies reveal about themselves to help streamline B2B sales and marketing

Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of your company's data? Don't let the idea of databases and data analysis bore you! With the right tools and expertise, you can uncover insights that will revolutionize your business. Enter BizMachine, a cutting-edge Data-as-a-Service startup based in Karlin. This article, written in Czech, offers an exciting introduction to BizMachine for the attendees of Digifest 2023. Get ready to discover the power of data like never before!

Top 100 E-shops in Czech Republic: A Comprehensive Ranking Prepared by BizMachine & CzechCrunch

Top 100 E-shops in Czech Republic: A Comprehensive Ranking Prepared by BizMachine & CzechCrunch

We have partnered with CzechCrunch to bring you a list of the top 100 e-shops in the Czech Republic based on their revenue. Our ranking is based on published financial data as well as factors such as website traffic, search engine rankings, customer reviews, external statistical sources, and interviews with selected e-shop operators. Check out the ranking list or learn more about our methodology.

Obchodní zástupce Jakub Schubert: Prospector mi umožní najít relevantní firmu během 15 minut, a to včetně pokročilé filtrace

Obchodní zástupce Jakub Schubert: Prospector mi umožní najít relevantní firmu během 15 minut, a to včetně pokročilé filtrace

Jakub Schubert se řadí mezi služebně nejmladší členy našeho obchodního týmu. V rozhovoru se rozpovídal o tom, jak se mu u nás za poslední měsíce vede, nebo jak se mu díky Prospectoru daří zefektivnit svou práci a rychleji získavat cenné informace o firmách. "V minulosti jsem strávil až hodinu hledáním podrobností o jednotlivých firmách, procházením jejich webů, sledováním aktuálních událostí a průzkumem různých dostupných zdrojů. A přesto jsem neměl tak komplexní obrázek, jaký mi dá Prospector během chvilky," říká.

Unlocking the Power of Data: How BizMachine's Petr Kalat Reveals the Secrets to Quick Company Assessments Indicators

Unlocking the Power of Data: How BizMachine's Petr Kalat Reveals the Secrets to Quick Company Assessments Indicators

We spoke with our colleague Petr Kalat to better understand the purpose and significance of the Activity, Growth, and Availability indicators featured on our Prospector tool. We talked about the three alerts appearing right after the initial company information and can be used to evaluate a company quickly.

 Získejte převahu nad konkurencí díky úplným datům o vozovém parku vašich zákazníků

Získejte převahu nad konkurencí díky úplným datům o vozovém parku vašich zákazníků

Prodáváte auta či související služby firmám na českém trhu? Pak nepochybně víte, jak cenná jsou data a informace o firemních fleetech. Jak by se vám líbilo na jednom místě a za pár vteřin vidět, zda ta či ona firma ve vašem regionu nakupuje výhradně nová, nebo ojetá auta? O kolik úspěšnější bude vaše nabídka či obchodní jednání, když k této znalosti přidáte i přehled značek, které daná firma používá? A věděli jste, že díky našim datům můžete zjistit, kdy je nejvhodnější kontaktovat danou firmu?

What does BizMachine do, and how does it differ from traditional incumbents in the data space?

What does BizMachine do, and how does it differ from traditional incumbents in the data space?

Today, a new podcast episode of Voices of Fintech has been released. And this time, Ruodlf Falat was hosting our CEO, Martin Ondáš. Martin´s favorite question was: “How is BizMachine different from the traditional incumbents in the company data space?”

Nathan Latka about BizMachine: Bootstrapped to $1.5m

Nathan Latka about BizMachine: Bootstrapped to $1.5m

One of our founders, Martin Ondáš, had a 12-minute-long interview with Nathan Latka, the founder of the GetLatka agency. Nathan has already interviewed hundreds of SaaS CEOs and founders. He thus knows how to ask and what about: Clients, monthly and yearly revenues, etc.

Being a salesperson at BizMachine means working with great companies for whom we are a relevant business partner, says Martin Střecha

Being a salesperson at BizMachine means working with great companies for whom we are a relevant business partner, says Martin Střecha

Martin Střecha certainly does not lack elan and appetite for work. He joined BizMachine in 2019, and his passion for data has brought more than 120 clients to his currently managed portfolio. In doing so, he is constantly looking for new ways to use data to find solutions to clients' business questions or problems. He is inspired by the founders of BizMachine, who are also in close, daily contact with the business team. Read the interview (in Czech) to find out what his job as a salesperson at BizMachine looks like and how a passion for data can help unravel more than one business mystery.

Mall Partner: thanks to BizMachine, we have data and tools that have tripled new partner acquisition and cut the sales process in half

Mall Partner: thanks to BizMachine, we have data and tools that have tripled new partner acquisition and cut the sales process in half

MALL Partner is an e-commerce marketplace that allows e-shops to sell their products on Its team devotes a lot of time and energy to development, and its plans are ambitious. Within three years, they want to bring up to half of the total sales to the Mall Group. But managing the speed and efficiency of the acquisition process is impossible without a comprehensive understanding of the market. And that's where we helped. Read the interview and find inspiration for your own business.

#CaseStudy with Mall Partner: How Data About E-shops Accelerated the Sales Process

#CaseStudy with Mall Partner: How Data About E-shops Accelerated the Sales Process

MALL Partner is a marketplace that aims to generate 50% of turnover from all goods sold on within three years. To meet their ambitious goals, the MALL Partner team needed accurate data about e-shops. We supplied them, and thus the MALL PArtner team accelerated and streamlined the acquisition of new partners. Now they are adding hundreds of them per month.

Rychlé experimenty i stavění vlastního robustního produktu. Tak vypadá každodenní práce data týmu v BizMachine

Rychlé experimenty i stavění vlastního robustního produktu. Tak vypadá každodenní práce data týmu v BizMachine

V datovém týmu jsou téměř od začátků BizMachine. Petr Kalát a Matěj Maivald si už při škole vyzkoušeli práci s daty. V BizMachine jsou oba shodně od roku 2017. Za tu dobu se BizMachine z punku v datech posunula k větší specializaci. Z řešení ad hoc klientských požadavků začala stavět vlastní robustní řešení, vlastní produkt. Jak jejich práce vypadá? Nahlédněte s námi pod pokličku fungování datového týmu v BizMachine.

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