WebTracks: Uncover companies visiting your website
Your potential customers are exploring your website at this very moment and creating signals for your team. But does your team know about them? WebTracks is an add-on to Prospector. It helps teams uncover company visitors that never fill in a sign-up form, then turn them into pipeline.

With WebTracks you're getting clear signals from your market

Identify your anonymous website visitors
Do you currently have hundreds of visitors on your website, looking through your key sales pages, but invisible to your internal teams? With WebTracks you turn anonymous web visits into a clear list of companies that have shown interest in your products and services.
⮕ For each company you'll see detailed history of each website visit, source of their visit, and which pages they viewed
⮕ We often identify 3-4 times higher volume of companies than our competition - so you get the maximum number of signals that your sales team can work with
Organise your best leads into simple segments
With WebTracks you'll create priority segments of your best leads and set up notifications for your sales and marketing teams - both inside WebTracks as well as inside Prospector. You can filter for high potential visits using for example:
⮕ Pricing or specific product page visitors
⮕ Contact or Sign Up page visitors that never fill in a form
⮕ Returning visitors or those that spend longer than 3 minutes on key pages
⮕ Your current customers or companies with open deals

Set up automated reports for priority segments
Don't let a priority lead slip through your fingers. With WebTracks you can set up automatic notifications and reports that fire every time a lead from one of your priority segments visits your website. These serve as extra signals that your sales team can react to straightaway.
WebTracks will help you maximise market signals for...
Discover prospective customers that have yet to send in a request form.
Up-sell and Cross-sell in your customer portfolio
Check which website pages interest your customers so you know which complementary services to offer to them.