Don't miss out on any signals in the B2B market

Expand your toolbox with the most comprehensive sales intelligence platform for Central and Eastern Europe. BizMachine will power your entire B2B sales and marketing engine.

BizMachine has been built for sales and marketing teams that want...

➡️ 'peace of mind' and the certainty that no opportunities are getting missed

➡️ to work systematically at capturing the maximum market potential

➡️ a unique and complex sales intelligence tool that will plug directly into your CRM system

BizMachine will help you...

Identify you ideal customers and prepare lead lists for your team

BizMachine Prospector gives you access to a detailed database of all companies and sole traders in Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. We analyse data from more than 100 sources to allow you to find exactly the companies that fit your Ideal Customer Profile using more than 70 filtering criteria

With just a few clicks you can create target lists for your sales team or to use in marketing campaigns, and gain certainty that you're not missing out on any part of the market. 

Focus your sales team on high priority deals - and avoid losing time on those that don't drive results

Do you ever notice your sales team spending hours and hours preparing for a sales meeting that surely doesn't warrant as much effort? BizMachine tools will help you segment your target market based on priority, continuously update these segments with relevant signals, and help your team to prioritise the highest-potential deals

You'll also cut meeting prep time down by about two thirds by having all relevant information available at your finger tips - right in our rich company profiles. 

Have a clear answer to: "Why are you calling me?"

Never again will you have to try to make something up when this easy question comes up. 

BizMachine tools collect and analyse data from publicly available sources. We continuously update these data sets and, where accessible, display a direct link to the original source. You therefore always know and can share a specific 'reason for your call' - whether it be a change in the Sales Director, increase in e-shop visitors or changes in the car fleet the company is operating.   

Have a CRM system filled with up-to-date data you can rely on

Whether you're using Pipedrive, Raynet, Salesforce, MS Dynamics or another CRM, it will work only as well as the quality of your data inside of it. 

Connect your CRM to the data and the signals supplied by BizMachine, and then just sit back and enjoy watching as important information gets automatically updated. 

Identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities in your customer portfolio

Import a list of your customers straight into BizMachine tools so you can analyse as well as continuously monitor your customer portfolio. This way you'll be able to react to any changes with speed and prepare an offer targeted exactly to the changing landscape in key accounts. 

How does BizMachine differ from a standard database with company details?

Our database has grown by more than 1500 companies that fit our Ideal Customer Profile in half a year, all thanks to Prospector. 

— Martin Dlužanský—
Business Development Director

Prospector [...] has become an overarching help with sourcing relevant new prospects from the IT market for us. 

— Radek Juhaňák —

 Thanks to [BizMachine's] unique sales tool, Prospector, we've gained an unmissable advantage in our market. 

— Ladislav Král —
Head of Sales Operations

Why BizMachine?

With BizMachine you're not buying a "box solution".

BizMachine originally started as a consultancy business, and we have maintained this one-to-one approach since that first day. With BizMachine you're not buying a “box solution”, which will then require significant effort to fit into your pre-existing structures and processes. You're also buying the expertise of our team of in-house consultants who will guide you through the process and best practice of adding a sales intelligence tool to your toolbox.  

With BizMachine you get a holistic view of your sales process, not just a lead list for your next campaign.

BizMachine will help you power and kickstart the entire sales engine, whether you're focused on lead generation, key account management, or retention and upsell on your customer portfolio. You'll be able to systematically capture the whole market potential, not just its small part. Majority of our clients discover 30 or more percent of the market that they knew nothing about previously. 

With BizMachine you'll operate systematically and strategically.

Thanks to the complete data sets and unique market signals, you'll gain a complex "map" of opportunities accessible to your team. We'll show you how to sort and prioritise these opportunities - so you'll always know where to send your best sales person, and inversely, which leads to save for follow up by the call center. 

3 markets


100 +

data sources


company profiles




phone numbers


email addresses


personal contacts


CZK annual revenue

BizMachine creates solutions for teams big and small:


The most comprehensive database of company details in CZ, SK and HU markets. 


Find out which companies visit your website. WebTracks is a key source of signals for your team. 


Make the most of our knowledge, experience and carefully sourced data on a custom project. 

Power your B2B sales engine

Book a free consultation and get a 7-day free trial access to our tools.