The most comprehensive Automotive data set
Do you sell cars or related services to companies in the Czech market? Would data on the size of company fleets, car makes or the purchasing potential of a given company simplify your job?
If yes, then we invite you to explore BizMachine automotive data so that you can start targeting your sales activities precisely, and avoid any risk of untargeted cold calling.
With BizMachine you'll gain access to the most comprehensive database of information about car fleets in the Czech market

Company details
See contact details, information about the size and financial performance of a company, its area of business and the region in which it operates.
You'll also discover significant events (e.g. change of ownership etc), the companie's connection to other business entities and so much more.

Car fleet details
A detailed summary of the key car fleet parameters, including the size of the car fleet, percentage of used cars, median changeover timelines, an estimate of the number of vehicles financed through operating lease, annual milleage and fuel consumption, the share of different car makes.
We hold information about passenger cars, commercial cars and trucks, buses, agricultural machinery, electric cars, CNG and many more.

Year-by-year car registration statistics
See information about which vehicles a company registered year by year, including information about whether the car was purchased brand new, after a year, or used.
Details about ownership and operation of vehicles in the fleet
Current and past details about each vehicle, including its VIN code, model, date of first registration, mileage and the current owner and operator.
Example use cases for automotive data

Find companies that might be interested in purchasing a brand new vehicle
Find companies most likely to purchase or sell vehicles based on their past purchasing behaviour:
- Based on mileage of their current fleet - i.e. find companies, that have vehicles over certain mileage
- Based on the age of the vehicles they own, using first registration data
- Based on the size of their current car fleet - e.g. make a list of companies that operate more than 20 cars

Find companies that might be interested in purchasing or selling a used vehicle
Use advanced filtering in order to:
Find the biggest buyers of used cars in the last few years - i.e. the companies, that have bought multiple used vehicles since for example 2021
- Find the companies with biggest used car fleets in your region - you can even narrow down to a specific car model

Find companies that might be interested in car service or spare parts
- Where did the customer, who always came to me for car service, go? - Find the current operator and owner of a specific vehicle
- Who are the new operators of my car make in my region?
- Who are all the operators of my car make in my region?

Browse automatically updated attractive segments
- Using "magic labels", create lists of interesting segments such as:
- Companies with electric cars
- Companies with vehicles financed through operational leasing
- Car sellers
An example view of the car fleet information inside BizMachine Prospector