
Data about companies in user
friendly coat

Use the online peephole to the most accurate live database of Czech, Slovak and Hungarian companies. All you really need is the internet, you don't need to know how to program anything.

Get a detailed profile on 7 million companies

Data on all active Czech, Slovak and Hungarian companies

Prospector connects all available company data to one place. Our company database uses more than 100 different data sources. Think of them as areas where snippets of information appear, which we put together for you in one place. With us, you get a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of a specific company at the click of a button.

Detailed company profile

All available and constantly updated company information from more than a hundred sources in one place.

Accurate segmentation of your market

Create your own lists of companies and precise segmentations of your market. Easily filter yourself by over forty criteria in just a few clicks.

Segments based on experience

Take advantage of lists already created based on the experience and needs of hundreds of marketers and marketers that Prospector helps target more accurately every day.

Export of contacts suitable for contact

Export the lists you create and use them for active direct marketing or sales activities.

Automated messages on time

Keep track of any changes at selected companies. Receive automated reports in a timely manner

Prospector helps save time
and find new B2B business opportunities

Whether you're interested in publicly available contacts, information from the commercial and trade register, the company vehicle register, industry classifications or many other sources, Prospector offers it all at once. Salespeople, marketers, and even finance or HR will appreciate this useful information.

We update, validate and cleanse over 5 million data records daily. This ensures that you always have all up-to-date and relevant information about all Czech, Slovak and Hungarian companies at your fingertips.

Prospector helps you 

  • to examine the company in detail before your business meeting
  • have the right contacts (whether for acquisition or retention)
  • find out what the company actually does and not rely on the often inaccurate NACE industry classification

  • create lists of companies to approach for your marketing and sales activities
  • check the financial health of your customers, suppliers or business partners
  • precisely target your marketing campaigns
  • verify market size and market share by region
  • keep track of changes and news from your competitors

  • map the market for new product launches and services 

  • enrich your CRM with regularly updated data from our professional database of companies

Get online access to detailed company profiles

A basic overview of the selected company with us is available online and in seconds. You will find all the necessary information clearly on one page. We have unique data that you won't find together anywhere else - for example, from the company vehicle register, foreign activity or connected companies.

Our company database is live - we update it daily and add new relevant data sources.

Keep important business data at a glance

We know that data alone often doesn't convey the whole story. That's why we created our own indicators. You can see at a glance how active, available or growing a company is. We also have lists of mailbox companies and so on.

Clarity and convenience first

Not everyone needs to see all the data all the time, so we offer the ability to customize the amount of information displayed. Filter only the data you are interested in for the companies you are interested in. For example, you can look at details of e-commerce stores, reports of registered cars or lists of companies that own electrical transformers.

Create a targeted list of companies to approach according to more than 40 criteria

From our database of all active companies in Czech, Slovak
and Hungarianmarkets, you can create your own targeted lists of companies, including their contacts, according to more than 40 criteria. These include turnover and age of the company, number of employees, activity, availability and growth indicators. You can also use data from financial statements, actual business sector, geographical coverage, number of locations, available contacts, age and structure of registered vehicles, recruitment activity, risk indicators or ownership type.

Export your lists, return to them and work with them

You can save the lists you create and return to them at any time. All you need is an internet connection. For example, you can see what's going on with companies in your chosen segment. You can export any list you create, such as potential new business opportunities, to Excel.

But you can also import your own lists into Prospector to enrich them with up-to-date information about companies.

We also have a number of pre-made lists for you (e.g. companies with employee benefits, or companies where the statutory officer is probably a white horse, but also many others). You can use this data for perfect market segmentation or analysis, when planning direct marketing campaigns or B2B prospecting.

Get notified to important events and changes in companies

Mark your list of important companies and be the first to know about business changes and events in these companies. With Prospector, you'll automatically keep track of what's in the media about those companies, whether they've won a public contract, had a change in management, or when they've ramped up recruitment activity. Depending on what's important to your business.

Learn more about BizMachine Prospector

(most of the articles on our blog are Czech only)

Obchodní zástupce Jakub Schubert: Prospector mi umožní najít relevantní firmu během 15 minut, a to včetně pokročilé filtrace

Obchodní zástupce Jakub Schubert: Prospector mi umožní najít relevantní firmu během 15 minut, a to včetně pokročilé filtrace

Jakub Schubert se řadí mezi služebně nejmladší členy našeho obchodního týmu. V rozhovoru se rozpovídal o tom, jak se mu u nás za poslední měsíce vede, nebo jak se mu díky Prospectoru daří zefektivnit svou práci a rychleji získavat cenné informace o firmách. "V minulosti jsem strávil až hodinu hledáním podrobností o jednotlivých firmách, procházením jejich webů, sledováním aktuálních událostí a průzkumem různých dostupných zdrojů. A přesto jsem neměl tak komplexní obrázek, jaký mi dá Prospector během chvilky," říká.

Unlocking the Power of Data: How BizMachine's Petr Kalat Reveals the Secrets to Quick Company Assessments Indicators

Unlocking the Power of Data: How BizMachine's Petr Kalat Reveals the Secrets to Quick Company Assessments Indicators

We spoke with our colleague Petr Kalat to better understand the purpose and significance of the Activity, Growth, and Availability indicators featured on our Prospector tool. We talked about the three alerts appearing right after the initial company information and can be used to evaluate a company quickly.

“Data jsou pro rozvoj obchodu zásadní. Je nebytné nemuset je hledat,” Jakub Hřídel (Veolia Energie)

“Data jsou pro rozvoj obchodu zásadní. Je nebytné nemuset je hledat,” Jakub Hřídel (Veolia Energie)

Veolia Energie ČR, přední dodavatel služeb na českém energetickém trhu, díky spolupráci s BizMachine má veškeré potřebné informace o svých obchodních partnerech na jednom místě - v Salesforce. Společně jsme také zkrotili hodiny práce věnované monitoringu veřejných zakázek,

.Prospector is a tool,
that changes according to your needs.

Flexible support is a matter of course for us. We offer data as a service. You can choose whether you are comfortable with monthly or annual payments. The price is then based on the number of users, the features used, the amount of data or extensions.

How can BizMachine
support your business?

Please fill in the details below and one of our consultants
will get in touch with you soon!